The driving force behind Dr. Paula Price and Paula Price Ministries (drpaulaaprice.com) is “Think Differently. Live Powerfully.” An international voice on the subject of apostolic and prophetic ministry, Dr. Price is recognized as a modern-day apostle with a strong prophetic anointing. She is perhaps most well known for her significant contribution to the body of Christ with The Prophet’s Dictionary, now in its 15th year of publication and ever increasing in its reach, and for The Prophet’s Handbook .
As a former sales and marketing executive who has a D.Min. and a Ph.D. in Religious Education from Word of Truth Seminary in Alabama, Dr. Price blends ministerial and entrepreneurial applications in her ministry. Known as “The Soulologist,” she has established three churches, a university, a publishing company, a consulting firm, and a global collaborative network linking apostles and prophets.
Tulsa, Oklahoma-based Paula Price Ministries comprises three major areas of ministry, Price University, The Paula Price Success Center, and her church, Congregation of the Mighty Ecclesial Embassy.
Dr. Price has created curricula, which is employed at Price University, which she founded in 2007 with an emphasis on the apostolic and prophetic. The school’s web - site explains its purpose: “Apostles and prophets need to establish a solid reputation befitting the claims of first-level office holders in the Lord’s church, something that can only happen through quality education.”
“We like to say first apostle, second prophets, but when you research it, you can’t really degree those two,” she says. “And if you can’t degree them, we cannot take our rightful place in society, at the tables of the world, in the academic halls and all of that. So I developed a curricula that will be to that end. We’re emphasizing the diplomatic and ambassadorial sides of apostleship as well as our ecclesial responsibilities, and then always dealing with the prophet is God’s divine communications institution.”
With those purposes in mind, she recently wrote a textbook titled Constructing the Contemporary Prophet. “It’s really taking the gift and bumping it up to what it really was in the Bible, which is an office, so I introduced the concept of gift versus office,” she says.
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